Scope of Hotel Management

Hotel Management and Catering science is a combination of job positions in…

 Is Hotel Management a good Career option?

It is always important to have a reason before pursuing something in…

The Art of Housekeeping – An Array of Hope.

Most people think housekeeping is just cleaning. It is much more than…

What is Tandoori cooking?

Contrary to common belief, many people think that the word “tandoori” refers…

Purchasing process

The purchasing process is an essential part of every foodservice operation. All…

Hospitality profession

A profession in the most refined and classy hospitality sector, being part…

High service standards- the key factor in Hospitality!

The changing preferences of consumers drive the food/service industry. Ingredients and menu…

Elements for Effective Communication in the Kitchen

Inspire crew members to be choral: While it derives to actual kitchen…

Eat Good Food

Eating fast food consistently may give you a shock to your health…

Conventional cocktail mixing!

From the moment the ice hits the cocktail shaker, your guests will…

A career in Food Production & Catering

Food is an important part of a healthy and happy life, and…

High service standards- the key to excellence in Hospitality!

The changing preferences of consumers drive the foodservice industry. Ingredients and menu…

Cleanliness and Housekeeping- the backbone of Hospitality!

As the famous saying “Cleanliness is Godliness” Hotel Housekeeping Department takes immense…
